WEEK 1: SQUAT TEST (click image to log results)

Please use a piece of furniture as a guide like a bench, chair or couch. Keep you feet at least 8" in front of the furniture. Set an alarm for 60 sec. Squat down & every time your tush touches the furinture count.

-tips: make sure you sit back & knees do not go past the toes AND do not lock your knees as you come up

Click image to log your results

Week 2: PLANK TEST (click photo to log results)

1. Select your level

2. Perform the exercise for 1 min (noting how you feel at 30s in and 45 sec in) 

3. click photo and log results (note if you can take it up a level next time)

L1: Plank on Wall 

L2: Plank on a Bench

FOR THE FOLLOWING LEVELS, Hands must be under shoulders, elbows soft, high on toes, feet only a few inches apart and body flat)

L3: Reg Plank (on hands or elbows, hands parralel to shoulders, body flat plank, on toes )

L4: Raise a Leg (switch after 30 sec)

L5: Level 4 but hands on a ball on bosu

L6: Level 4 with same arm & leg raised

Level 7: Level 5 with same arm & leg raised

Level 8: Level 4 with alt arm and leg raised


WEEK 3: MODIFIED PUSH UP TEST (click image to log results)

iCANdi Push Up Assessment: Start with hands under shoulders (do not lock elbows) butt down, be on top of your knees. See how many you can get done in a minute. An average candi is 25 (PLACE an object under chest about 5" high and make sure you go all the way down to it)

Click image to log your results

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